Input channel (19 Monopolar EEG and 1 Bipolar ECG)
Recording modes Real-time (via Bluetooth) / Dynamic (via Flash memory)
Sampling Rate 128, 256, 512 Hz
Evoke Stimulator
A/ Converter 12 bit
Electrodes Single-shielded electrodes with touch proof connectors
Data format
USB Interface USB 2.0/ USB 1.1
Hours of operation 72 hours continuous operation
Input impedance ≥10 MOhm
Low-pass filter 1 Hz ~ 60 Hz arbitrary
High-pass filter (Time) 0.01s, 0.02s, 0.03s, 0.1s, 0.2s, 0.3s, 1s, 2s, 3s
High-pass filter (Hz) 16Hz, 8Hz, 5.3Hz, 1.6Hz, 0.8Hz, 0.5Hz, 0.16Hz, 0.08Hz, 0.05Hz
CMRR ≥100 dB
Noise ≤0.5 uVRMS
Internal memory Built-in Flash memory card (2GB)
Operative Temperature ±10 °C ~ +50 °C
Operative Humidity 30% ~ 80%
Power supply AC 240 V 50/60 Hz 2A
Dimensions 130 x 89 x 40 mm
Weight 250 g
Input channel 32/64/128 channels Monopolar EEG
Recording modes Real-time
Sampling Rate 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192 Hz
Evoke Stimulator A/V Simulator/ Video Signal, Current Stimulator
A/ Converter 24 bit
Electrodes All-in-one monitoring electrode cap
Data format EDF or TXT format
USB Interface USB 2.0/ USB 1.1 (HDMI Interface)
Hours of operation 72 hours continuous operation
Calibration Built-in impedance testing function and automatic calibration
Input impedance ≥10 MOhm
Low-pass filter 1 Hz ~ 120 Hz
High-pass filter (Time) 0.01s - 0.3s
High-pass filter (Hz)
CMRR ≥100 dB
Noise ≤0.5 uVRMS
Internal memory
Operative Temperature ±10 °C ~ +50 °C
Operative Humidity 30% ~ 80%
Power supply (External) AC 100~240 V/ DC – 19 V (Internal) Rechargeable lithium battery(16.8v)
Dimensions 510 x 450 x 230 mm
Weight 11 Kg
Input channel (12/24/36/48 Monopolar EEG+12channelsBipolar EEG+12channels PSG)
Recording modes Real-time
Sampling Rate 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192 Hz
Evoke Stimulator
A/ Converter 24 bit
Electrodes Shielded Single disc electrodes
Data format EDF or TXT format
USB Interface USB 2.0/ USB 1.1 (HDMI Interface)
Hours of operation 72 hours continuous operation
Calibration Built-in impedance testing function and automatic calibration
Input impedance ≥10 MOhm
Low-pass filter 1 Hz ~ 120 Hz
High-pass filter (Time) 0.01s - 0.3s
High-pass filter (Hz)
CMRR ≥100 dB
Noise ≤0.5 uVRMS
Internal memory Built-in Flash memory card (2GB)
Operative Temperature ±10 °C ~ +50 °C
Operative Humidity 30% ~ 80%
Power supply (External) AC 100~240 V/ DC – 19 V (Internal) Rechargeable lithium battery(16.8v)
Dimensions 510 x 450 x 230 mm
Weight 11 Kg