Transport Ventilator KTV-A100

Transport Ventilator KTV-A100

Transport Ventilator KTV-A100 is a high-end portable transport ventilation system equipped with mobile stand, oxygen cylinder and inbuilt clamps to be fastened for secured and easy transportation. Extensive ventilation assistance with real-time trends, lung mechanics ensures high-end performance to achieve best delivered care.

Tidal Volume 0 ml – 1500 ml
Gas Supply O2, 0.28 to 0.6 MPa
Ventilation Modes A/C, SIMV, SPONT, Manual, VCV+SIGH
Respiratory Rate 4 bpm – 40 bpm (SIMV)
4 bpm – 99 bpm (A/C)
Range Of I:E Ratio 2:1 to 1: 4
FiO2 Range 48% to 100%
Pressure Sensitivity Above PEEP: - 2 kPa to 0 kPa
PEEP: 0.5 kPa to 2 kPa
Pressure Parameter Ppeak
Volume/Flow Parameter Vt , MV
Time Parameter Ftotal
Real-Time Curves Pressure-Time
Compliance < 4 ml/100 Pa
Cylinder Capacity 3.2 L
Max. Pressure < 6 kPa
Battery Life 4 Hours of Uninterrupted Battery life
Environmental Temperature Operation: -10°C to 50°C
Storage: -20°C to 55°C
Relative Humidity Operation: < 85 %
Storage: < 93 %
Atmospheric Pressure Operation: 70 kPa – 110 kPa
Storage: 50 kPa – 110 kPa
Power Supply 110 V - 220 V, 50/60Hz , < 65 VA
Dimensions 175 x 170 x 300 mm
Weight 3.5 Kgs

  • - Turbine-driven ventilation technology

  • - Combined mode : VCV + SIGH

  • - CPAP based backup ventilation

  • - Durable and high-impact housing

Used in ambulances or outdoor patient transfer, ideal for acute-care airway ventilation for inter-hospital, intra-hospital, or prehospital emergency transport etc.
Range of Laboratory Instruments